The judgment of the few who have found this life unpleasant. Taking their own lives with their justification, making it their right and our wrong.
28 Nov, 2024
Yesterday I saw another soul fall
Many people are judging his ugly call
Weak and stupid, they say
But he is gone
Unable to hear your sympathetic lies at all
Life is so precious I can’t take my own
You say, in isolation, not knowing he’s right or wrong
You operate on binaries of Yes and No
Maybe in life, the theory supports no pause
And I understand the reason for such a cause
When he was breaking, none of you saw
But now at judging, you say all you know
Is it the justification of your right and his wrong?
Yesterday another soul was sucked
When his mobile money was hacked
With no one to talk to, he had a panic attack
But now you blame him for his selfish act
Did you take time to know him before the back-to-back?
Or does his actions seal his justification, making you right and him wrong?
Yesterday when I saw him fall,
I realized he was a mould society had held
For as men, our strengths and weaknesses are for us young and old
So how can school work to reform and remould?
So, tell me something I already don’t know
Instead of judging his right for a wrong.
Life has made me a curious and passionate wordsmith, seeking to understand the human experience through writing and reading. With each sentence, I unravel the mysteries of thought and emotion, connecting with others on a profound level. My love of words is a quest to share in the beauty and complexity of human souls.